G으su [G스M트]
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 VV Application

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Posts : 2
Join date : 2014-01-25

VV Application Empty
PostSubject: VV Application   VV Application EmptySat Jan 25, 2014 2:21 pm

Underworld Ready Characters IGN:

VV Cephei (Assassin)
UW Areas: LT, T2,T3,T4
Avg Times:  Been a while, most of my quick times have been on ranger or mesmer, but I am very consistent on my sin and won't fail.  
Norn - 8

Two Di For (Ranger)
UW Areas: T1, T2
Avg Times:  Again, its been a while, my fastest run I was on was 22 mins.

To Die Four (Mesmer)

UW Areas: LT, Spiker
Avg Times:  I don't recall the specific times but I am consistent.  
Asuran - 7
LB - 8
Delver -5
Vanguard - 4

Do you have TS3? And a Microphone?
Yes and Yes

What Country/Timezone are you in?
USA and Mountain Time

What other Guilds have you been in before?
The last guilds I remember were: DL, Bevr, blt, YUM

How often do you play and when? (Weekdays/Weekends)
Mostly weekends (willing to play more)

Tell us something about yourself?
I am a pretty laid back gamer, I'm 30, I don't rage or cause drama.  I stopped playing GW around the release of GW2.  GW2 wasn't really what I was looking for. I miss UWSC and that is what I enjoyed the most. I've been able to join some PUG groups and work on a few of my terra roles since my return (about 3 weeks ago) and surprisingly still remember the roles and haven't failed on the runs. I'm sure I'll need a few more runs to get the rust out, but am confident that I can do my roles again.  

I used to run with a lot of the main uwsc guilds within the alliance while I was in YUM, but also with YUM in the slower YUMway run.  I liked to teach what I was able to, and am always willing to help out.  I may not be the fastest at the start, but I am confident I won't cause a fail. I just need more uw people to roll with and practice up.

I look forward to joining up with you all.


EDIT: I should note my recent experience is casual way, not current advanced sc meta.
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Posts : 21
Join date : 2013-12-18
Age : 33

VV Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: VV Application   VV Application EmptySat Jan 25, 2014 10:01 pm

Thanks for considering G으su [G스M트] as your new guild,

From what i still remember you were a solid UWSC gamer back in the day although alot has changed and we dont really use Assassins in Uw apart from Lt (which is also mostly run by mesmers).

Do You have an Elementalist? since elementalist still does the T4 role (and ofcourse E/Mo).

For now i will neither +1 or -1 till further people have replied to this application.

/Neutral for now

~Yours Sincerely,

Stephan Volkers
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Posts : 2
Join date : 2014-01-25

VV Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: VV Application   VV Application EmptySun Jan 26, 2014 11:30 am

I unfortunately do not have an ele ready to go, I may try to work one up, but I don't know how long that will take me.
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PostSubject: Re: VV Application   VV Application Empty

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