G으su [G스M트]
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Good Titan
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Good Titan

Posts : 4
Join date : 2014-01-04

Application Empty
PostSubject: Application   Application EmptySat Jan 04, 2014 8:01 pm

First of all i wanna talk about me a little bit.
Im currently in FBGM and in love with DoA so i dont wanna leave FBGM.
But as im joining Ally uw runs from time to time i kinda feel bad and i also like uw so i want to get better there.
What i want in Game is to improve my underworld gameplay and have fun with you.
I want to join Game with my alt account (allways online and im reading chats and shit there) and to join runs with my main since my alt does not have titles/chars.
Hopefully that works.

To my chars:

alt account:
Le Max Le Baguette (Assasin)
that would be the Account to invite.
Cant do any area because missing pve skills mostly, got a monk, mesmer and assasin on that account.

X Todesgott (Ranger)
UW areas: T1,2
Avg Times: T1=7min monu 10min quest (70% chance to not fail Very Happy), T2=12-16mins(mostly 14-15) (personal record 11min)
Delv Rank: 10
Ebon Rank 10

Good Titan (Assasin)
UW areas: lt
Avg Times: 13-14mins (allways playing mes lt tho)
Delv Rank: 7
Ebon Rank: 10
Norn Rank: 8
Asuran Rank: 10

Captain Mes Spike (Mesmer)
Uw areas: Spike, Lt
Avg Times: Spike: ~9 min vale, ~10min basement keeper down.
Ranks not needed on mes.

I Am the best ele (Ele)
Uw areas: Emo, t4
Avg Times: really depends on mainteam, i can do as fast as they do. (almost had 7min with Hydro... we risked alot and got enched by backpatrol so we failed on second last keeper) but usually times are arround 12-14mins, t4 like 16 mins and im used to fullglitch never done gaki, did semi twice, failed once the other one was 11min.
Ranks not needed on Ele.

Do you have TS3? And a Microphone?
Yes and Yes

What Country/Timezone are you in?
GTM +1

What other Guilds have you been in before?
Yofo, Fbgm, cc

How often do you play and when? (Weekdays/Weekends)
I play as often as i find time. Thats mostly daily.

I need to add that i had some problems with some of your members and i got trashtalked on.  Im forgiving everyone really fast and same with game. I actually dont even remember who the ppl were and i hope they also forgive me for my mistakes. And i hope that i join with my alt account is no problem. i will join runs as often as possible.
My name is Max and im 17 years old.
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Posts : 6
Join date : 2013-12-18
Age : 27
Location : Czech Republic

Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application   Application EmptySat Jan 04, 2014 9:39 pm

Hello, I would trial you cuz you are experienced in other roles than just sos/spiker. I don't know what problems you had before, but I hope everything is gonna be alright this time. Many people have their alts in other guilds so I don't think that should be a problem. And we need more europeans to play with me =). /trial
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Lilia Leyla

Posts : 7
Join date : 2014-01-03

Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application   Application EmptySat Jan 04, 2014 9:41 pm

+1 even if i'm not in your guild.. i know him and he knows what he is doing
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Posts : 8
Join date : 2013-12-23

Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application   Application EmptySat Jan 04, 2014 10:03 pm

Trial seem to have fairly decent times so lets see what you can do.
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Posts : 74
Join date : 2013-12-17
Location : New Orleans

Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application   Application EmptySat Jan 04, 2014 10:55 pm

Having an alt in this guild just to join runs wont be necessary as we are looking to join FBGM ally and so far the feedback regarding join has been positive. This same opportunity can be provided by other uw guilds in FBGM ally? Have you asked? How did they respond?
Plus when we need to fill runs, they almost always get advertised in alliance to fill.  So personally I would -1 to park your toon in here just to join runs when their is the possibility of us joining the same ally as you in the near future. Also it isn't fair to the others who applied with us to be here in this guild by meeting our requirements.

My 2 cents, -1
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Good Titan

Posts : 4
Join date : 2014-01-04

Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application   Application EmptySun Jan 05, 2014 12:09 am

I dont want to on the runs i want to be a part of Game, its not the same at all.
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Posts : 74
Join date : 2013-12-17
Location : New Orleans

Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application   Application EmptySun Jan 05, 2014 12:22 am

Reqs are stated in the application template. Our reqs aren't stringent and easily doable to anyone that makes the effort to do so.

Any 2 terra roles (T1,2,3,4)
Any Lab Team Role (LT or EMo)
Any Vale Role (SoS or Spike)

What we look for is consistency and quality of your tactics & overall team play.

To be part of GAME, have a uwsc playable characters that meet the reqs. Just meeting the reqs on your main toon and leaving a alt in our guild should you clear the trials, isn't gona fly as it does a disservice to everyone that made the effort to complete our requirements and be the foundations of our growth here at GAME.

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Posts : 15
Join date : 2013-12-18

Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application   Application EmptySun Jan 05, 2014 3:04 am

Good Titan wrote:
I dont want to on the runs i want to be a part of Game, its not the same at all.

what exactly do you mean by this..? if you don't mind explaining.
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Good Titan

Posts : 4
Join date : 2014-01-04

Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application   Application EmptySun Jan 05, 2014 9:10 am

Dannn wrote:
Good Titan wrote:
I dont want to on the runs i want to be a part of Game, its not the same at all.

what exactly do you mean by this..? if you don't mind explaining.

Its just not the same for me. If im in a guild, i work with that guild to get better. If im in the ally, i join runs to play my solo role and nothing else.
It also does not matter if my alt is in there or my main, the fact is, that i wanna join runs. So its basicly the same since im online on both accounts.
How about a probation period?
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Good Titan

Posts : 4
Join date : 2014-01-04

Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application   Application EmptySun Jan 05, 2014 9:18 am

G_A_R_Y wrote:
 Also it isn't fair to the others who applied with us to be here in this guild by meeting our requirements.  

Why is it not fair? I basicly meet the requirements. For you it does not matter which account is in the guild as long as i watch over both and i can join runs.
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Posts : 74
Join date : 2013-12-17
Location : New Orleans

Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application   Application EmptySun Jan 05, 2014 11:22 am

You would see that our position regarding you is not unique, and I am sure if you were to try this with the other uwsc guilds in this ally you will also be met with a similar response though not in the kindest way.

Another thing I sense is that you have an impression that we are a teaching guild. We don't teach members, our members make it a point to learn their new roles on their own and we offer advice/tips to help in that process. Our members take heroes by themselves and go learn their new roles all by their own self. The guiding videos are all over youtube, and tips/advice is free for the asking. You have at your disposal almost the same exact tools to learn as our members without ever stepping a foot in here. All you have to do is ask for tips/advice, I am sure many here in the ally will offer the same.

To sum it all up....Your need is not about joining uwsc runs with us, your need is about getting better at uw roles and then moving on to where ever you see fit. You can accomplish that as a ally member.

Cheers and Thank you for considering.
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