G으su [G스M트]
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 Atro's Application

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6 posters

Posts : 4
Join date : 2013-12-19

Atro's Application Empty
PostSubject: Atro's Application   Atro's Application EmptyThu Dec 19, 2013 1:16 am

1. What is your in game name ?
King Kitto / Atrocious Shadow

2. How much time have you spent in game ? Please include a screenshot of your /age.
Atro's Application DfGOIw9

3. What is your Time Zone and how often do you play ?
GMT -5
Daily, though I just started playing again. I stopped playing at the release of GW2.

Character name: Atrocious Shadow

* Profession: Assassin
* Vanguard: 10
* Asuran: 10
* Delver: 9
* Norn: 7

Character name: King Kitto

* Profession: Elementalist
* Vanguard: 10
* Asuran: 10
* Delver: 10
* Norn: 10

Character name: Xanthus Khrangtong

* Profession: Mesmer
* Vanguard: 2
* Asuran: 5
* Delver: 4
* Norn: 2

Character name: Stix Stax

* Profession: Rit
* Vanguard: 2
* Asuran: 3
* Delver: 2
* Norn: 2

Character name: Czarina Morgana

* Profession: Necromancer
* Vanguard: 2
* Asuran: 7
* Delver: 5
* Norn: 5

Character name: Sanctified Shadow

* Profession: Monk
* Vanguard: 1
* Asuran: 1
* Delver: 1
* Norn: 1

Character name: Eternal Lord Kitto

* Profession: Paragon
* Vanguard: 1
* Asuran: 4
* Delver: 1
* Norn: 1

5. How did you hear about [G스M트] ? If through a friend, please list their name.
Saw a recruitment thread on GWG by Volkers

6. Please list any Elite Area experience and what roles you've played. (DoA / UW / FoW)
I have virtually no experience in UW after the addition of Dhuum, before Dhuum I had experience in Mountains, Wastes, Pits, Pools, and Lab. I get the general idea and it shouldn't take too long to learn how to complete the areas.

In FoW, I had experience in all the roles, preferring the either MT or T1.

In DoA, I have played most mesmer roles but I usually rolled the Deep Freeze mesmer and started to learn the Tendril Killer and Caller roles.

I also had experience in certain dungeons, SoO, VSF, BogSC, KathSC.

Please keep in mind that it has been a year since I've played any of these roles so be gentle Very Happy

7. Why do you want to join [G스M트] ? Please tell us what you think you could bring to the Guild.
I'm interested in joining [G스M트] because I want to rekindle the good ole days of high end GW, learning new things as well as just playing with people like myself. I can bring a positive attitude, an additional body, and in the future another teacher.

8. What other Guilds have you been in and what were your reasons for leaving ?
Back when LoDX was LoD I was apart of that guild, leaving because I was quitting the game so I thought. GoE way back when, I left GoE due to immaturity of some individuals. And my most recent guild, HRUU, I didn't necessary leave, I stopped playing GW at the release of GW2 and when I came back I was no longer in the guild so either I was kicked or the guild disbanded.

While in these guilds my character names may have varied, my Sin being Newb Sai Bott instead of Atrocious Shadow, and my ele being Acolyte Firestar instead of King Kitto. I have old armors to prove that these characters were mine.

9. What maxed titles do you have and which ones make you the most proud ?
I was never really a title hunter but I have multiple EoTN maxed out various characters, and I guess the one I'm most proud of is Canthan Vanquisher on my ele.

10. Please tell us a little extra about yourself.
Overall, I am a person that is easy going, never rages, and loves the joke around. I'm quick to learn new tricks and always willing to learn new things. I know I'm not the best, nor will I ever be the best, but I always try to better myself, trying to beat personal goals instead of comparing myself to others. I can foster a team mentality and ultimately just be a person that will start runs and get people interactive.

Thanks and I hope to hear from you guys soon. Meanwhile I will do some homewo
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Join date : 2013-12-19

Atro's Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Atro's Application   Atro's Application EmptyThu Dec 19, 2013 1:21 am

I will begin my Ranger soon, most likely in Factions, if anyone is interested in starting a new character with me, that would be wonderful!

As for an update on what I've learned,

I think I have a pretty good grasp on the concepts of SoS, I'll either most likely start studying the Spiker role or the Emo role. A couple of more days and my internet should be better than ever.

Thanks for all the feedback thus far!
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Posts : 18
Join date : 2013-12-18

Atro's Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Atro's Application   Atro's Application EmptyThu Dec 19, 2013 4:42 am

well I can see only ur Sin and Ele are better so I say Trial on ur ele or something else
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Posts : 7
Join date : 2013-12-18

Atro's Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Atro's Application   Atro's Application EmptyThu Dec 19, 2013 2:08 pm

Trial as emo id say? less he want t4 sui xD!
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Join date : 2013-12-19

Atro's Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Atro's Application   Atro's Application EmptyThu Dec 19, 2013 2:09 pm

If you guys want me to trial as Emo, I'd better get started on the studying then xD I've been putting time in to SoS and Spiker thus far.
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Atro's Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Atro's Application   Atro's Application EmptyThu Dec 19, 2013 2:10 pm

For me it is we are pure uwsc and there is alot that has changed since dhuum addition -1 untill he gets the swing of things in the modern uwsc
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Atro's Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Atro's Application   Atro's Application EmptyThu Dec 19, 2013 10:01 pm

If you are playing spiker or sos you will want your eotn titles a little higher to r5

-1 till you get more familiar with uw and the new team builds. which you could pm some of us to answer some questions too

hope you re apply Smile
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Join date : 2013-12-17
Location : New Orleans

Atro's Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Atro's Application   Atro's Application EmptySat Jan 04, 2014 12:32 am

Any update regarding your roles?
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