G으su [G스M트]
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 Apedemak application

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Join date : 2013-12-18

Apedemak application Empty
PostSubject: Apedemak application   Apedemak application EmptyWed Dec 18, 2013 2:23 pm

1. What is your in game name ?
Apedemak Xll

2. How much time have you spent in game ? Please include a screenshot of your /age.
91 months – 5021 hours

3. What is your Time Zone and how often do you play ?
GMT+1, daily, evening times, weekends when I’m home, most Saturdays off tho.

4. Please Copy & Paste the template below for All of your Characters Ranks. Please be sure to fill it out completely.

Character name: Apedemak xll

* Profession: Monk
Titles: lightbringer, elona-cantha guardian, vanquisher, protector, some other
* Vanguard: 4
* Asuran: 8
* Delver: 8
* Norn: 7

Character name: Apedemak Rt (Rt), ill soul reaper ill (Nec) , apypoos goes warior (War), Apedemak Xl (Derv), Biggus Diggus (Sin), Apedemak X (ele)
these have not much titles and all around 5-6 pve ranks

5. How did you hear about [G스M트] ? If through a friend, please list their name.
Did some runs with u guys before in uw, soosc, doa when i was in NOOO alliance

6. Please list any Elite Area experience and what roles you've played. (DoA / UW / FoW)
DoA: at start with warr tank, SF spike, mes COP¨spike, HB,UA, Ele tank, done many trio foundry with my monk, then did ursanways, trenchway as ua, spiker then frostway aswell, and couple of runs with latest build as seeder.

Fow: did since beginning with barrage, war tank, ss, mop, eoe, SF spike, mes spike,…
now with sin, vos, ua
UW: used to do all area’s with sin, then took a GW break, and after dhuum update haven’t relearned the terra roles (also don’t have ranger), now I do with sos mainly, or some duo farms

7. Why do you want to join [G스M트] ? Please tell us what you think you could bring to the Guild.
I’m always up for SC’s, I like most of the roles in any run, so I’m pretty flexible etc. I also improved the ‘manly way’ when I was still in [AGRO]. So I always think about the builds and always try to make it better/faster.

8. What other Guilds have you been in and what were your reasons for leaving ?
[Ode],Glob of Ectospasm[GoE], [THCS], [THCx], Stop Stealing [AGRO], [Kill]
reason for leaving mostly cos guild died or separated.

9. What maxed titles do you have and which ones make you the most proud ?
as mentioned above: never liked title grind so just have some guardian, protector, vanq
nothing to be super proud of… I like my r9 luxon tho, is from doing tons of Deep with [AGRO]

10. Please tell us a little extra about yourself.
26 years old, like travelling, photography, photoshop. I work in a brewery and I like my free time relaxing on pc, playing gw.

Apedemak application Vs0qAlVqL3j3
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Posts : 21
Join date : 2013-12-18
Age : 33

Apedemak application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apedemak application   Apedemak application EmptyWed Dec 18, 2013 3:11 pm

i remember your time from long long time ago you seemed pretty solid back in the day so id say /trial
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Location : New Orleans

Apedemak application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apedemak application   Apedemak application EmptyWed Dec 18, 2013 10:32 pm

Do you have ranger character? It is one of the more prevalent professions for not only uwsc but many other elite areas also.

Dhuum update was a very very long time ago and a lot of tactics have come and gone since then. If sos is all you know at the moment we can try you out for sos, but knowing only sos will be enough for you to join with us.

I would like to know your experience with different roles involving your listed character/professions. If you lack experience in those other roles then there are multiple videos out there for training and we can also link a few (currently in the process of making some now)

Cheers and good luck.
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Posts : 18
Join date : 2013-12-18

Apedemak application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apedemak application   Apedemak application EmptyThu Dec 19, 2013 4:38 am

you looks more a Fow player than a Uw thats ok but if u wanna really join us Work on some Ranks watch some videos and we trial you only can say that cuz for this guild ur Chars for me are weak and we are not getting %100 new ppl we want to add ppl with some Exp in underworld. ty Smile hope u work on that
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Join date : 2013-12-19

Apedemak application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apedemak application   Apedemak application EmptyThu Dec 19, 2013 2:11 pm

have you seen front glitch in t3 before?
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Posts : 9
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Apedemak application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apedemak application   Apedemak application EmptyThu Dec 19, 2013 9:53 pm

We need you to take the time and write your character names with specific titles so we know where you need to pick it up

I would say you should get familiar with the new uwsc team builds get 2 roles down lets say in mainteam and that would help your application immensely

I learned to uw in THCx and was core uw i dont remember your name but maybe ill remember the person

/re app when ready
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Join date : 2013-12-17
Location : New Orleans

Apedemak application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apedemak application   Apedemak application EmptySat Jan 04, 2014 12:34 am

Any update? Are you still looking to trial?

Update your first post with all of your UWSC related characters as listed in the application template.
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PostSubject: Re: Apedemak application   Apedemak application Empty

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