G으su [G스M트]
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 Application TEMPLATE & Conditions for Trial

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Posts : 74
Join date : 2013-12-17
Location : New Orleans

Application TEMPLATE & Conditions for Trial Empty
PostSubject: Application TEMPLATE & Conditions for Trial   Application TEMPLATE & Conditions for Trial EmptyWed Dec 18, 2013 3:32 pm

All Trials: You are responsible for one conset during your scheduled trial, the team members in the run will pop resto and watch you perform your trialed area.  Then your application will be accordingly +1 or -1 from those who were present on the run. The decision will be based on your ability to perform your role, how you do your role, and also your ability communicate.

This is the Standard Application Form:
To be considered for joining in this guild, you must be able to do: 1 Lab Role (Emo or LT), 1 Vale Role (SoS or Spiker),  2 Terra Role (T1,2,3, or 4)

List all of your Underworld Ready Characters and their IGN: (Please Have: R5 PVE Delv rank on Ranger, R5 PVE Ebon rank on Ranger/Ele/Mes/Rit, and R5 PVE Asuran rank on Rit)
Snoop Doggy Dogg (Ranger)
UW areas: T1,2,3,4
Avg Times: T1=10mins, T2=13mins, T3=14mins, T4=15mins
Delv Rank 5
Ebon Rank 5
Weed Smoking Rank 100 (Don't Need this Rank)
Do you have TS3? And a Microphone?
Yes and Yes

What Country/Timezone are you in?

USA and Central
What other Guilds have you been in before?
RAiD, Lod, AC3S, DL

How often do you play and when?
Both weekdays and weekends, time of play is random but I do play often.

Tell us something about yourself?

My name is Snoop Doggy Dogg, I used to be down with Death Row Records until they shot my hommie 2pac. Now I be dazed and confused.
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