G으su [G스M트]
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 Forum Rules

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Posts : 74
Join date : 2013-12-17
Location : New Orleans

Forum Rules Empty
PostSubject: Forum Rules   Forum Rules EmptyWed Dec 18, 2013 2:29 am

Respect is a MUST within all guild/ally/outside of guild activities. You wear OUR tag and represent all of us when you do so!
No Raging! No Flaming! No Trolling!

We speed clear a lot! So get your characters up and ready for anything we may need to throw your way!

All new recruits MUST follow the Application process. If you leave this guild, you are expect to do so again.

If you have a problem/concern/question take it to either an officer that can help fix the issue or the person dealing with the concern/problem or question. DO NOT take it into inappropriate areas such as alliance chat/towns/teams etc.

Get familiar with your officers, they are put their for a reason, if you need help or have questions don't hesitate to ask!
If you have any problems or questions about any actions brought up by any member or officer bring it to guild leadership.

Consets will be provided by the person forming the Speedclear unless someone else is willing to pop them (all Consets are free to Guild/Alliance).

If you have a person that you think will be able to handle the skill level at this guild and he is interested in joining, copy and past the forum address from the status, and put it into a template for him. And have him apply. do not ask an officer or myself to invite someone. We will handle all applicants in a timely manner.

We do offer our support and training to those that ask for it. We will go to pretty far lengths to make sure your ready for the challenges we expect you to take.
But, we only fine tune, we expect you to have some experience in Underworld or any other High-End PvE area.

If your not going to be online for a while, Please notify it in this forum.

A Fail run is when a team is forced out of an area by everyone dying or failing a quest that makes the little button appear to send you back home, Do Not EVER "rage" or leave a group because you "think" it will fail, plenty of runs that should of failed, ended up succeeding because the team stuck together! Never give up; you make EVERYONE including yourself look bad.

We have a TS3. And we expect everybody to use your COMMON SENSE and don't rage or annoy people.

Keep it casual,

G으su [G스M트] Leadership
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